Thursday, February 28, 2013

Emily's 9th Birthday!

 On Thursday, Emily chose our menu for the day which consisted of donuts for breakfast, Jack in the Box for lunch (which Sam, Mom and Rebecca took to school and ate lunch with her) and Mac and Cheese Shells for dinner that night. 
 But her favorite part of the day was opening presents!
She got lots of clothes, Littlest Pet Shops, piggy bank, Barbie and the Pink Shoes movie, DS games and more!
 She has grown up so much on me this past year!  I cannot believe how mature she is looking and behaving (sometimes :)
 Blowing out the candles!
Emily is an amazingly fun girl!  She loves to smile and make others laugh!  I love to see how strong her spirit is and watch her make good/solid choices.  I am so proud that she works so hard in school and excels in all areas!  We are so blessed to have her in our home! 
I love you Emily! 

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