Monday, February 18, 2013

FHE at the Park

 We have discovered our family's favorite park - located on Jones and Grant - where we pile all our bikes into the back of Sam's truck and head out to ride around the track!  For family home evening, we jumped into the truck and stopped for KFC picnic at the park.  It was chilly that night and everyone bundled up real well.
 Rebecca played on all the playground equipment and I took many photos that turned out way too dark!  She was so funny because she decided to sit on this little hill and pose for some pictures - so here is her "cheese" grin for the camera.  She kept saying, "Mom, take my picture!"  She is a little ham and knows how adorable she is!  Love it!
 Emily had to get in on some of the pictures
 There are 2 sets of swings at this park, here Bex is swinging with daddy on the big kid swings. 
The greatest highlight to this park is definitely the giant spiderweb!  The kids love climbing to the top, shouting for all to look at them!  I love the posing here - they crack me up!  We stayed out way too late that night having way too much fun at our park!

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