Saturday, June 1, 2013

Delancey's Wedding Reception

We had such a fun weekend celebrating Delancey and Phillip's wedding down in Corpus Christi, Texas.  When I received their wedding invitation and saw that they were having a reception here in Texas, I was so thrilled!  After a nice 5 hour drive, we stopped at our hotel and everyone changed into their Sunday best, then headed down the road to the church.
It was such a great blessing to see so many familiar faces!!!
Delancey, Moira, me, Avery and Chandler
 Rebecca and I took a spin out on the dance floor

 The beautiful bride!
It has been so long since visiting with our BF Shell - Rebecca did not even recognize her!  So funny to remember Shell being the only person in the hospital room when Baby Bex was born.  We call her Bex's 2nd mother since she is the one who cut the cord! 
 It did not take Bex long to warm up to her 2nd mommy at all!
 Moira, Shell and I
It was so much fun catching up with our friends and all that is going on in their lives and all that we have missed these past 2 years!  It was amazing to feel right at home with them immediately, like we had not missed a beat and still only live 10 minutes away from eachother!  I was so proud to meet Delancey's husband and see how perfect they are together!  It was also fun to introduce them to my husband for the first time and see how happy they were for us too!  They loved Sam and had such a great time talking with him and completely trust him to be perfect for our family!  It was such a happy reunion for our families and after the initial tears at the beginning and final tears at the end, we could not have had more fun with our eternal friends! 
We love y'all!

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