Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014!

 We always celebrate the New Year with movies and root beer floats!  Yum!
We watched the Princess Bride which is not one of Matthew's favorites - but he was outnumbered by the girls once again!  He was very happy with his root beer float though!
 At 10:00 it's time for the sparklers and fireworks to begin!
 Rebecca loved her sparklers!
 We had some Harry Potter moments with sparklers for wands - STUPIFY!!!
 Baby Jacob slept through all the noise like a champ in his momma's arms
 Sam showing them how to light them up!
 Everyone helping to pick the next firework
 Matthew gets to light one
 Emily was cute lighting hers and plugging her ears while running away
 Katie did the classic back up when she lit hers
 And more sparkler fun!
 Matthew helped pick out this batch of firecrackers - he wanted something loud and annoying (fits him just right sometimes :)
 Matt and Sam trying to find the fuse
 After all the fireworks were done in our front driveway, we headed back inside to warm up with some hot cocoa!  Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Santa's Wonderland

Out in Bryan College Station, there is a huge light show that they put on every year.  We decided after unwrapping all the presents and lounging around in our jammies all day, we would head out for dinner and Christmas lights to finish up our Christmas celebration this year!
 Christmas lights Texas style!
 There was a huge line wrapping down and around the feeder road off the freeway of our exit and it took us about 1/2 hour to wait and inch forward until we finally got in!  Well worth the wait!  Nothing like seeing awesome longhorns on Christmas day!
 We followed a caravan of vehicles through the park
 Katie and I hung our heads out the window and I got a cute picture looking back at her!
 Rebecca loved this train!  
 Even baby Jacob got to see a good show!
 My favorite is always the tunnel of lights!  So beautiful and such a fun Christmas night! 
We had a sleepy ride home after this, but we are a bit crazy about Christmas lights each December and had to take the opportunity to see these for our first time!  Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Merry Christmas 2013

Santa did make it to our home Christmas Eve!  Looking down from the top of our stairs.
 Passing all the presents out to the rightful owners.
Jacob is almost 2 months old on his first Christmas
   Rebecca was a pro at opening her gifts all by herself this year!
   Emily opening her rocker/gaming chair
Matthew excited about his Chima lego set
 Rebecca helping daddy and Jacob open his presents
Katie's portable DVD player
 Emily opened her My Little Pony character dolls
 Matthew gets a Nerf gun of course!
 Rebecca loving Baby Jacob and showing off his new clothes.
 Emily starting on her new Cranium game already! 
  Bex opening her princess tent
Bex helping Jacob again
One of her favorite gifts was this unicorn
Katie and Emily opening their Kindle Fire's side-by-side
Matthew's electric scooter was a big hit!
  Princess Rebecca with her pink ball and royal seat
This new basketball hoop mysteriously showed up in our driveway with Matthew's name written all over it!  He couldn't wait to get out and shoot some hoops (PJ's and all)
We had a wonderful Christmas celebration this year and feel so blessed to be together as a family!  Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve with Uncle Brad

We had our big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve with Uncle Brad visiting.  Yummy ham and potatoes!  Here is Katie watching Baby Jacob before Brad arrived.  She has definitely found her reading buddy! 
 We had a fun gift exchange after dinner.  Bex had fun opening Jacob's present from Uncle Brad.
 Earlier in the year, we went to visit and see Uncle Brad's new house.  It needed a little more decorating help so we bought him a big clock to hang on his wall.
 Katie digging into her present.  Brad got her a CD player and she loved it!
 Emily opened her present from Brad - Twister Dance Moves
 Matthew got a remote control car from Brad.
 Here Brad is helping Rebecca open her present - so cute because Brad went to Build a Bear and made a purple unicorn stuffed animal for her.  She loves unicorns and ponies!  That was so perfect! 
Once the battery was charged, Matt was off and running!
The rest of the night was spent playing with their new toys!  Thanks Uncle Brad and Merry Christmas Eve!