Thursday, December 19, 2013

Classroom Christmas Parties

On the way to the kid's classrooms, Bex found this snowman on the library door and had to pose for a couple pictures with it!  She loves making funny faces!
 Jacob was so excited for their parties that he slept pretty much the entire time in his stroller!
 Matthew and Bex are sure becoming great pals!  He loves to show her off to his classmates! 
 Rebecca found the antlers and this inflatable Christmas tree was a big hit for her!
 Super yummy treats!
 Emily sharing baby Jacob with her favorite teacher Mrs. O
 Emily's 4th grade classroom picture
Hanging on the wall outside Matthew's classroom door was their Dear Santa letter.  Matthew's read: 
Hello!  I love this time of year.  I wonder how are your elves doing?  You are very generous because you bring us presents. 
Love, Matthew
P.S.  Can I have a dirt bike?
P.P.S.  I have been a nice boy at school.
P.P.P.S.  My mom has been very good.
P.P.P.P.S.  Can my mom have chocolate?
Does this boy know his mom or what?  I thought his letter was so adorable!  Such a sweet kiddo - I hope he gets great things for Christmas, but a dirt bike (yikes!  I don't think I'm ready for that!)

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