Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Santa's Wonderland

Out in Bryan College Station, there is a huge light show that they put on every year.  We decided after unwrapping all the presents and lounging around in our jammies all day, we would head out for dinner and Christmas lights to finish up our Christmas celebration this year!
 Christmas lights Texas style!
 There was a huge line wrapping down and around the feeder road off the freeway of our exit and it took us about 1/2 hour to wait and inch forward until we finally got in!  Well worth the wait!  Nothing like seeing awesome longhorns on Christmas day!
 We followed a caravan of vehicles through the park
 Katie and I hung our heads out the window and I got a cute picture looking back at her!
 Rebecca loved this train!  
 Even baby Jacob got to see a good show!
 My favorite is always the tunnel of lights!  So beautiful and such a fun Christmas night! 
We had a sleepy ride home after this, but we are a bit crazy about Christmas lights each December and had to take the opportunity to see these for our first time!  Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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