Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bear Branch 6th Fun Run

It was a beautiful morning for the fun run in December.  Here's Katie heading out to the starting line.
 They let the runners go first in the fun run.  They ran a mile and their group took about 20 minutes for all to complete.  We watched them run the entire course and cheered them on from the stands.  Then the walking group (which was a way bigger bunch) got started.
 I had Jacob in the sling walking with me while Katie pushed Bex in the stroller for the first lap around the track.  Then the walkers headed off the track and around a designated trail on the outside of the school where the stroller was not permitted.  So Bex, Jake and I watched from the edge of the track until the walkers returned for their final lap!
 I let Bex hold Jacob while we watched the walkers.
 She is constantly wanting to hold Jacob and it was nice to free my arms for a few minutes.
 Katie made it through the course and her friend actually got a severe headache at the end, so Katie walked her back to the track where we gave her our water bottle and sent her to the PE teachers.  Katie has such a kind heart!  It was fun to cheer and Katie loved all the attention she got when she walked with her baby brother!

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