Tuesday, November 15, 2016

It's Always Fun When Grandpa/Grandma Comes!

With the kids in school, Jacob and I entertained Grandma and Grandpa at The Woodlands Mall. Of course we had to stop and pet the patrol horse - my parents thought that was so awesome to have police horse monitoring throughout the parking lot! Don't see that everyday up in Seattle! 
Downtime at home has Jacob sharing his Grave Digger truck with Grandma 
Grandpa looks ready for a nap after keeping up with Matthew that evening! We were all stuffed after eating at Rancheros mexican restaurant! 
The next day, we picked up Sam from his shop and took mom and dad out to some real southern cooking! Mel's Diner is one of our favorites! 
 We got my dad to eat chicken fried steak and I shared my fried okra with him! Delicious!!! I think they were impressed with their meal!
 When the kids got home from school, we headed to the movie theater to see the new Trolls movie! It was very colorful with tons of happy music! I don't think my parents have seen a movie like that in quite a long time! They were troopers and the kids had a great time with their grandparents this visit! We were sad to take them back to the airport the next day but love the memories made!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Confetti at the Long's

 My mom and dad came down to visit this week. So on Sunday after church, our family headed out to Amy's house. Jacob and I walked in the front door to this beautiful showering of confetti!
To help celebrate mine and Jacob's birthdays earlier in the week, the whole family sang happy birthday while confetti was dropped from the 2nd story of their house! 
Such a sweet surprise! 
Here are a few of the confetti tossers! 
And the rest of them! That was so much fun!!! I wanted to walk outside and have them do it all over again! But after cleaning the mess, we decided once was perfect! 
We can't have a family gathering without piano duets with Grandpa and Aunt Amy! 
It was fun to visit with everyone! Parker has only been home from his mission for such a short time, but Jacob warmed up to him pretty quick! Always fun at the Long's house! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Jacob's New Hiding Place

This little boy cracks me up! This is the table we use for quick meals and watching TV in our kitchen. I was sure surprised when I found Jacob had climbed onto the shelf below and was just hanging out while I did the morning dishes. What a funny boy! 
Content laying right on his tummy and kicking his feet out the backside while watching mommy work in the kitchen!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Visiting Mr. Shaw's Farm

One of Sam's old friends lives in Magnolia and has some livestock that we were able to visit today while daddy worked on Ray's truck! 
Jacob was shy and did not want to pet the horses or ride the pony - maybe next time! 
 But he did like the pig! 
And ran away from the roaming pony  
He found a new friend 
After petting the pig and pony, Jake says, "They're dirty!"
I think he will eventually love farm animals and all of their dirtiness one day! 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Happy Birthday Mom!

I was so surprised when I got home from my long day at work and walked in the front door to this awesome sign in our walkway! The kids wanted to celebrate my birthday and this was the best way I could imagine! I love their thoughtfulness and creativity in making this sign for me! Totally made my day! Thanks kiddos! Best Birthday Sign EVER!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Jacob Turns 3!

 This little boy loves Chuck E. Cheese! When we would ask what he wanted to do for his birthday he would reply matter-of-fact "We go Chuck E Cheese!"
 None of the kids complained about that plan!
Bex and Jake riding the train  
Rebecca did the awesome dancing with the big mouse to win free tickets!
Katie and Matthew love all the gun games! 
 Emily helping Jacob jump rope
Home late at night for jammies, presents and cake 
Jacob was a pro at opening his gifts! All trucks of course! 
Grave Digger was a huge hit! This boy loves Monster Jams! 
Hannah (my patient at work) and her family gave Jacob a gift also. Such a cool tractor! 
Thomas the Train birthday cake was the grand finale! 
Bex was by Jacob's side the entire night! 
Making and wish and blowing out the candles 
Then of course playing with his trains!
Happy birthday my sweet 3 year old! You make us all laugh and everyone loves to play and cuddle with you! Love the curly hair - not ready to get rid of it yet! You are such a blessing in our home and fill our lives with love each day!
Happy Birthday Jacob!!!

Monday, October 3, 2016


 Look at these super cute Superheroes I found at McDonald's today!

Parker's Home from his Mission

 New Zealand Airlines - he landed!!!
We got rooftop parking of course! 
We met the Long's and Uncle Brad at the airport to welcome Parker home from his mission to New Zealand. The kids were very sad to be taken out of school early that day for this :) 
 Here he comes!
The first embrace! Happy tears! 
Love this! 
The brothers are back together! 
Jake and Parker 
 Maren was so sweet 
Love seeing all the smiles! 
And there they are! All of the Long kids together! 
Jacob doesn't remember Parker at all - he was just 11 months old when Parker left! I'm sure they'll be good friends soon enough! 
Bex wrote letters and drew pictures for Parker all throughout his mission! She sure missed him! 
Every single prayer she said had words of blessings for Parker! It was so cute to hear! She has such a big heart! 
 Parker's fan club
 Even Uncle Brad missed Parker while he was away!
This has to be my all-time favorite of Amy and Parker 
 The kids were not as enthusiastic about holding the giant signs for Parker's return but they did it like champs! Jacob obviously did not like being stuck in his stroller at all! We are so proud of you Parker and each of us look up to your great example of serving the Lord in New Zealand for 2 years! We hope it's easy for you to get back into the swing of things and enjoy hearing all your stories and experiences you had on your mission!