Sunday, November 13, 2016

Confetti at the Long's

 My mom and dad came down to visit this week. So on Sunday after church, our family headed out to Amy's house. Jacob and I walked in the front door to this beautiful showering of confetti!
To help celebrate mine and Jacob's birthdays earlier in the week, the whole family sang happy birthday while confetti was dropped from the 2nd story of their house! 
Such a sweet surprise! 
Here are a few of the confetti tossers! 
And the rest of them! That was so much fun!!! I wanted to walk outside and have them do it all over again! But after cleaning the mess, we decided once was perfect! 
We can't have a family gathering without piano duets with Grandpa and Aunt Amy! 
It was fun to visit with everyone! Parker has only been home from his mission for such a short time, but Jacob warmed up to him pretty quick! Always fun at the Long's house! 

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