Sunday, November 6, 2016

Jacob Turns 3!

 This little boy loves Chuck E. Cheese! When we would ask what he wanted to do for his birthday he would reply matter-of-fact "We go Chuck E Cheese!"
 None of the kids complained about that plan!
Bex and Jake riding the train  
Rebecca did the awesome dancing with the big mouse to win free tickets!
Katie and Matthew love all the gun games! 
 Emily helping Jacob jump rope
Home late at night for jammies, presents and cake 
Jacob was a pro at opening his gifts! All trucks of course! 
Grave Digger was a huge hit! This boy loves Monster Jams! 
Hannah (my patient at work) and her family gave Jacob a gift also. Such a cool tractor! 
Thomas the Train birthday cake was the grand finale! 
Bex was by Jacob's side the entire night! 
Making and wish and blowing out the candles 
Then of course playing with his trains!
Happy birthday my sweet 3 year old! You make us all laugh and everyone loves to play and cuddle with you! Love the curly hair - not ready to get rid of it yet! You are such a blessing in our home and fill our lives with love each day!
Happy Birthday Jacob!!!

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