Saturday, January 19, 2013

Galveston Ferry Ride

At 3:00 Saturday afternoon, Sam and I looked at eachother and said at the same time, "We should go do something fun!" Total jinx! So we packed the kids into the van and drove to Galveston.
 We went onto the ferry for a ride.  Here the kids are just getting out of the van. 
 Matthew and mom posing for a quick picture!
 Katie, Matthew and Emily watching from the front of the deck.
 Sam and Rebecca up on the 2nd level.  Rebecca sure looks cold!  She definitely cuddled with daddy a lot.
 Everyone posing from the top deck.  I love Emily and Sam pretending to fall overboard!  Very dramatic!
 Matthew and Katie cruising around the sides of the ferry
 At the back of the ferry, we brought our bread out to feed the seagulls.
 Katie sharing bread with Bex.  It was so windy on the water!
 This is a funny part because this is the pre-Sam's-hat-flying-away photo...
 And now the hat is gone!  Bex has her hands up in the air saying "Where did it go?"  We all had a good laugh at that! 
 The crew posing in the wind at the back of the ferry! 
 Mom got to cuddle with Bex too!
 Bex throwing her bread for the gulls
 Matthew loved how the ferry felt underfoot while running up and down the driveways!
 Katie watching the waves
 Katie, Emily and Matthew walking down to the bottom floor
 My photo from the 2nd floor looking out the back towards the family feeding the birds. 
Sam took this photo looking up at us on the 2nd deck from the back side of the ferry.  Katie is on the right and her hair says it all!  We were blown away! 
We had a great time riding the ferry both directions out and back to Galveston!  I love those spur of the moment adventures that we come up with to brighten our lives and bring us closer together as a family!  Maybe next time we will go in the daylight hours so we can see further out and get better pictures!

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