Sunday, January 6, 2013

Natural Bridge Caverns

 We headed out to San Antonio Saturday night to sleep in a hotel and then get up early to explore the caves.  It was such a dark, foggy night on the freeway, but we made it and the kids slept great sharing a bed with Bex in the pac 'n play. 
 The kids wanted to climb all over the dinosaur structures in front of the visitor's center.
 Bex meeting a friend
 Daddy and Bex under the beautiful natural bridge before heading into the cave
 Group picture heading down
 Everyone touching the one rock they were allowed to touch
 Bex sneaking in a "touch" of her own without Dad seeing
 It definitely got cooler going further down inside the earth
 Paying close attention to the tour guide
 The bat symbol on the ceiling
 Down, down, down we go!
 Love these kiddos!
 Winding back up!
 Emily and Katie pause for a quick breather.  It was sure humid down there!
 Emily found an amazing sight!
 Katie with her jacket off, loved hearing about all the different rock formations
 Is Sam sticking his tongue out at me?  Too many pictures I guess.
 The colors and shapes all around us were amazing!  How can anyone doubt the majesty of God's creation?
 One of our family's favorite rocks - looks like a facemask
 The girls survived the deep cavern.
 Sam was boiling hot the whole walk back up to the surface with these two monkey's attached to him! 
Looking back down from where we came.  Wow!  This place is amazing!

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