Sunday, January 6, 2013

Zip Line Fun!

 Ready for the ropes course on the Canopy Challenge Structure!
 This brave little guy was bummed because he weighs 48 pounds and in order to do the zipline, he needs to weigh 50 pounds.  So close!  He did venture up and around the climbing structure though and it was hard to get that boy back down!
 Go Matthew! Go!
 Rebecca had her own little kiddie section to climb around
 Emily and Sam were able to do the zipline together first while I watched Bex and the others.  That girl has no fear!  She took off and smiled the entire time! 
 Sam had a fun ride and lost his hat during the flight of course!  Luckily the zipline was in the wide open where I could walk and retrieve it easily. 
 Emily heading back on the 2nd line
Sam having a little fun!
 Matthew went clear to the top!
 Emily cruising the course
 Katie gives it a try
 Sam and Bex in the kiddie area
 Emily hanging out
 Emily walking the balance beam
 Cuties climbing together
 Katie getting the hang of this
 Katie on the 2nd level
 Emily up at the tippy top!
It was finally our turn!  Katie and I took the LONG walk to the top of the structure to begin our zipline trip.  We were both scared as could be and kept "big" talking eachother, building eachother up.  Katie was not going to do this and I was so completely proud that she would do it if I did!  I had her go first, just so that she would not chicken out at the last minute and decide not to go!  This girl took off down the line and had pure bliss written all over her face!  It was a delight to watch! 
It was a different story for me.  I have to admit there was screaming and flailing feet in the beginning.
 Once I got the hang of it though, nothing but fun and flying! 
 Katie looking like a pro!
 Megan heading in for her 2nd landing.  What a blast!
 Katie and I, the 2 chickens, totally survived our first zipline experience together! Woot! Woot!
 Sam cruising around
 Katie and Sam
 Matthew cruising
 Bex and mom
 4 stories up and getting mischevious!
 Look! No Hands!!!
 I love simple moments like this.
Sam and I had to get our picture on the dinosaur too!
 Aaaaahhh, newlyweds!
 Matthew hanging on!
We had an incredible day!  Their faces say it all!
 On our way home, we had to stop at the big Buckees to get my ultra huge drinking cup.
And of course we had fun shopping around and trying on hats - yes, that is a beaver on my head!  The best weekend before school starts!

1 comment:

  1. You all are so brave! I would have either peed my pants or vomited! I HATE heights and zip down that! Wow...brave, brave, indeed!
