Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

 We rang in the new year celebrating with friends at the Long's house.  There was so much yummy food!
 It was a wet, drizzly night, but that did not phase the party goers at all!  Here is Rebecca stomping in a puddle with Matthew.
 The super cute young ladies!
 And the hunky young men!
 Time for sparklers!
 Everyone went outside to ooohh and aaahh at the fireworks.
 Daddy and Bex looking a little wet
 The kids are all too eager to help with fireworks!
 Watching the fireworks high in the sky!
 It was a great show!
After watching the fireworks, Sam and I headed inside to play Mormon Bridge with a large group of friends.  The kids enjoyed playing with their friends and everyone loved watching funny Rebecca running around so late at night!  We love celebrating with such great company!

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