Thursday, June 20, 2013

Swimming at the Long's

 We love swimming at our cousin's house!  Here are the girls in the deep end making a plan!  Maren, Emily and Katie
 Rebecca back floating with her mermaid doll (actually Maren's doll)
 Maren and Emily - beauties and buddies!
 Rebecca jumping into the hot tub area
 Everyone swimming
 Katie spent about 20 minutes blowing up this water tube and decided it was hers the entire time!
 Emily and Matthew definitely love the water guns!
 Matthew running in!
Here is a side note:  I left my camera poolside on accident and this is what happened!  Jacob looking mighty fine! 
 Alex with a crazy selfie!
 Poor Parker looks like an innocent victim caught on camera!
I learned my lesson about leaving my camera with the Long's!  Although I did enjoy the extra photos they left for me and more than gladly had to post them here!  I know they are going to love me for this! 
Funny cousins! 

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