Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

We had a great time celebrating Father's Day this year!  Our first official Father's Day with Sam in our family and we wanted it to be amazing!  Each of the kids took time throughout the week to make him a card.  Then Emily and mom went shopping on Saturday for a new purple tie, tie clip and new jammies.  And last but not least, I ordered a 60 minute massage for him since he has been working so hard at his new job!  He loved all his gifts! 
 I barbecued burgers, hot dogs, sausage and corn on the cob for dinner that night and it was a huge hit!  Emily and mom made a Cocoa-Cola cake for dessert with yummy vanilla ice cream.  We were stuffed!
 Our family is so blessed to have Sam with us!  He brings so much laughter and fun!  He also brings love and comfort, knowledge and understanding, different ideas, spontaneous adventures, positive energy and priesthood power!  He completes our home in so many ways and we are so glad he is here!

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