We continued our weekend baptism celebration with Grandpa Whimpey at one of our favorite fun places! The kids are crazy about Incredible Pizza!

Matthew with Grandpa - we start the night off with our all-you-can-eat buffet meal and dessert.
After dinner, we immediately get signed up for a round of lazer tag (sometimes you have to wait a couple rounds to get in, but this time we were in the first group and mom rocked it with the older kids! We seriously kicked butt and our team won!)
Daddy and Grandpa watched Jacob and Rebecca got to ride the kiddie rides while we were lazer tagging it!
After lazer tag, we hit the ice!
There were many spills at the beginning, but the kids eventually got the hang of it!
Daddy entertained Rebecca while the older kids were on the ice
Matthew started cruising!
I often found Emily on all-fours!
Katie got caught singing and skating here
I thought the kids might skate for 15 minutes and then be ready to move on, but they actually stayed out on the ice for almost an hour! They loved it!
I convinced Grandpa to go on the bumper cars with the kids and he loved it!
Matthew vs. Katie
Grandpa heading toward Katie
Matthew, Katie and Emily
Katie and Matthew vs. Grandpa
Grandpa and Emily - Bumper cars was definitely a highlight of the night with Grandpa!
We finished our night with Go-Karts. Here's the lineup of drivers and my crew started the 2nd row
Matthew was cruising!
Grandpa drove Bex and they were fierce!
Katie drove like a maniac!
Emily fist pumping - I think she had a great time out there! (I am taking photos behind glass so you can see the reflection of Jacob with Daddy)
Grandpa and Bex passing the slow car!
Matthew took 1st place of course!
Emily is right on Katie's heels!
Matthew leading the crew into pit stop
Sam and Jacob cheering the others on!
We had such a fun weekend with Grandpa here! I am thrilled that he and Sam get along so well and loved it when those two would take off for a drive or entertain the kids so that I could get my work done! We really appreciate all the love my dad shows to our family and felt so honored to have him here for Matthew's baptism to share that special day with us!