Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Jacob's first Easter - getting dressed for church with his new stuffed animal from the Easter bunny!
The Easter bunny brought the kids lots of candy in their Easter baskets!  Before church, the kids got to search through their baskets and find all the goodies!
 Look who's gonna drive us to church!
 Watch out everyone!
 We celebrated after church with our Easter egg hunt.  The Easter bunny hid plastic candy-filled eggs around out backyard.  We let Rebecca go searching first.

 Once Rebecca found her dozen eggs, we let the other 3 loose to search!

 The last egg to be found!
 The boys had fun together finding the toughest eggs to reach
 Our cute family says "Happy Easter!"
 I love this picture because the girls were so funny pinching Sam's rear - their faces say it all!  Evil Katie and Emily, poor Sam.  We still love to laugh!
 After the Easter egg hunt, everyone headed inside to dye Easter eggs.
 We usually do this the day before Easter, but ran out of time yesterday!  It turned out to be the perfect Sunday afternoon activity for the family.
 Everyone reaching for the right colors!
 That night, we had a dear sweet family join us for dinner.  The kids did their own repeat Easter egg hunts in the backyard.  The Britton family was preparing to move in 2 days and we wanted them to have a break from all that moving stress!  
 You know that person that just makes you laugh until your belly aches and cheeks hurt?  Everytime Sonya and I get together, we cannot stop giggling and laughing!  We are just contagious to eachother!  
 I am sure gonna miss this gal!  It was great to say farewell with a big Easter dinner!  Magnolia will be missing one of their greatest families for sure!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter this year and took time to focus on our Savior and His great gift of the Atonement for each of us!

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