Saturday, April 26, 2014

Matthew's Baptism

 Grandpa Whimpey flew down to Texas for the weekend of Matthew's baptism.  We had a lot of fun with Grandpa and were so excited for him to be a part of Matthew's special day!
 Katie, Maren, Jacob, Alex and Emily waiting for the baptism to begin.  We had Aunt Amy there to play the piano for us while mom was chorister, Grandpa Whimpey gave a talk on baptism and did the confirmation after the baptism, cousin Parker gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and Sam baptized Matthew.  It was a beautiful ceremony and I really felt the spirit there as Matthew took this important step on his path back to Heavenly Father.  As usual, mom did tear up a bit during the last song (I have to admit that as the chorister I was looking out over the audience watching my father holding baby Jacob in his arms with tears in his eyes - such a gentle moment that I was so blessed to see - and immediately looked further away at my sister Amy playing the piano and that was it - I couldn't hold those tears back so I actually only sang half of the song and was so grateful that Amy made it all the way through!).
 The official family picture
 I love this one more because Jacob is grabbing Matthew's nose and those two are just that silly together!
 WOW!  This young man has definitely grown up!  He no longer looks like a little kid anymore - such a big kid nowadays!  Matthew is just a fun kid to hang out with!  Always bouncing or tumbling or jumping around the room.  He is great at tormenting his sisters, but also plays very well with them!  It has been fun watching him bond with both Rebecca and Jacob this past year - such a great older brother!  I love that he still gives me a hug each night before heading to bed and that even though he is pretty rough and tough all day long, he can be very gentle when he needs to be.
 Sam with his friend Sammy Posa - Jacob loved his beard
 It was so great to have the Long's in town also!
 What a great looking group!  
Back row:  Parker, Amy, Jake, Alex, Jacob, Megan, Grandpa, Katie, Sam, Rebecca
Front row:  Emily, Maren, Matthew
 Jake and Jake
 Parker with Jacob
Maren and Emily - we love our cousins!!!

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