Saturday, April 19, 2014

Joe's Ranch

 After our earlier post of meeting the Easter Bunny at McDonald's, we ate lunch in our car ride to Joe's Ranch.  Sam has known Joe for many years and needed to work on one of his cars at the ranch, so the kids and I got to tag along and make it a very fun afternoon!
 We started on the tractor of course!
 Then everyone had to take turns on the nearby rope swing.  Here goes Katie!
 Matthew swinging
 Emily swinging and waving for the picture
 Bex needed a little bit of help keeping herself up on the swing!
  After 30 minutes of swinging, we decided to venture off around the farm.  We came to this shetland pony first.
 And eventually found some larger horses to pet

 Emily was a huge fan of this painted horse
 Katie had a soft spot for this white one
 Matthew even found a farmyard friend to wrestle on the ground with!  This huge black lab was so nice and people friendly!
 My girls petting horses

 We did not know the names of any horses, but we called this one Goliath - he was huge!!!
 So much fun feeding this big guy!
 Had to stop and get a picture of Jacob in the stroller - he did so well and was completely entertained watching the world around him for the entire walk!
 Love Matthew's smile here!
 Everyone picked long grass and fed the horses too.

 Goliath was awesome!
 Rebecca enjoyed feeding the horses

 Emily's favorite was the painted one!
 Katie enjoyed feeding them too
 I just love these boys!  Matthew stopped to entertain Jacob for a few minutes and just had that little boy rolling with laughter!  These two get along so well together and I cannot get enough of their fun personalities wherever we go!
 Heading back, we stopped to pet the shetland pony again
 Emily found some horse tracks
 Before leaving, everyone got to swing again.  This time Jacob needed a turn.
 He thought he was pretty hot stuff!
 He was super cute swinging!
This was an amazing day for our family to be able to hang out and explore the farm!  Everyone had a great time (which is awesome because usually 2 or 3 like the activity while 1 or 2 don't, so having everyone give this trip a thumbs up marks a huge success in my book!)  After 3-1/2 hours in the heat, we were ready to head back home just as Sam finished up working on Joe's car!  We will definitely be back here again someday!  

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