Thursday, April 10, 2014

Texas Blue Bonnets

 Driving home from Brenham, we couldn't help but stop to check out the blue bonnets this afternoon!  We literally pulled off the side of the freeway to walk through this patch of blue bonnets.
 Bex holding Jacob for some pictures
 This is my favorite - love her smile and she loves being big sister holding Jacob!
 I look at this picture and am reminded that these kids are so lucky to have a daddy that wants them to experience life and he wants to be right there beside them as they do!  
Boy I love this man!!! 
 So sweet!
 Mom even had to get in on the blue bonnet action!
 My sweet Rebecca is growing up so much these days!  She is the ultimate girl in that she wants to wear dresses everyday and be treated like a princess!  So she was in complete heaven being surrounded by all the beautiful blue bonnets (a little bit bummed that she couldn't pick a big handful for me - yes, it is illegal to pick blue bonnets in Texas).

 Our free-spirited little girl loved running through the tall grass singing at the top of her lungs, "Let it go!"  She was singing and running toward the truck just like this when we were ready to leave, Sam and I were watching her, and a rabbit jumped out of the brush beside here.  She did not even stop or flinch because she was completely in her own magical world!  It was so cute to watch!
 She is such a beautiful girl with the sweetest spirit!  I loved sharing these moments with Rebecca, Jacob and Sam today!

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