Thursday, May 8, 2014

Emily's Final 4th Grade Choir Concert

 This was such a sad moment for me as far as my "motherness" goes!  I completely missed Emily's concert tonight!  Sam and I got backed up with his work and did not make it back home in time.  While on the road, still 2 hours away, stuck in yucky rainy weather, I knew we would never make it so I had to call for backup.  We had the McDermott's pick up Emily on their way to the concert so that Emily would be there on time.  I planned to show up a little late - which ended up being 30 minutes - and the concert was just ending when I walked in the door!  I was so super bummed!  I thought the concert would have lasted longer than that, but it was just short and sweet.
So I snapped a few pictures while the vice principal gave the closing remarks.
 And had to make up for my lateness by taking Emily to TCBY for yummy dessert afterwards!  I had to drop Sam and Jacob off at the house before coming to the concert and made Katie come support Emily with me.  She was thrilled to get a great dessert out of this!
 I felt so bad for missing Emily's singing performance, but she knows that I love her to pieces and did my absolute best to make it there for her!  Hopefully I won't miss such an important event again!  I look forward to many more singing adventures in Emily's future!  

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