Monday, May 26, 2014

Inner Space Caves in Austin

It was a rainy day in Austin, so we were glad that we picked these caves to go explore for our Memorial Day celebration!
 Here we are walking further and further down
 Jacob checking out the awesome rock formations
 We were not allowed to touch any of the cavern walls or rocks, but this is one exception along the way!  Emily and Katie touching the rock wall.
 Jacob was attached to daddy
 More touching!
 Rebecca gets hands on!
 It didn't take long for Jacob to zonk out in his daddy's arms
 Bex, Emily, Katie and Matthew
 Katie strikes a pose
 Matthew pointing to his favorite - the Deathstar!
 More wide open cavern space
 I actually got everyone in this picture and they don't even know it!
 Daddy and Jake at the pool
 Hanging out
 Emily, Jake, Dad, and Bex found a hiding spot!
 There were wall paintings to see towards the end of the tour.
 Emily on Bex patrol
 There was a hole on the other side of this rock where Emily is faking her step into outer darkness!
 Another touching rock.  Jacob was a perfect fit between the stand and the dripping spot above.  Bex had fun touching this smooth stone.
 Bex had fun in the puddles
 We had to document that mom was here too!  Matt, Mom and Emily in the caves
 Dad, Jake, Bex, Katie and Emily pose in front of some awesome rock formations
 Katie sitting with the porcelain doll rock formation just to the left of her.  It was fun to see so many different names for these formations!  We kept laughing because a lot of them had food names and Star Wars - french fries hanging from the ceiling and the Millenium Falcon were just a couple named for us.
 Emily loved this giant "slide rock" and wanted to take it home to our backyard!
 After our 2 hour tour, everyone got to pick one thing from the gift shop to take home with us!  We loved touring the Inner Space Caves and cannot wait to go there again!  

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