Monday, May 26, 2014

Hotel Swimming Pool in Austin

 We drove out to Austin late Sunday night and found a hotel to stay in.  This was our big Memorial Day excursion!  After our early morning continental breakfast, the kids jumped into the pool with Sam.
 Emily and Katie in the deep end
 Katie jumping
 Emily splashing
 Matthew cannon ball
 Emily cannon ball
 The babies in the shallow end
 Jacob fascinated by the water
 He just looks adorable!
 Matthew floating
 Ganging up on Sam
 Everyone wants a ride
 Putting Bex back in the shallow end, Sam is ready to chase everyone!
 Daddy and Bex float
 Love these two
 Sam caught Emily!
 Sam chasing Matthew
 Bex jumping in to Daddy
 The boys hanging out
 Emily and Bex kick kick kicking!
My boys
It was so much fun watching everyone swim!  After awhile, I took Jacob up to our room for his nap and I snuck in a quick shower.

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