Saturday, February 28, 2015

Emily's 11th Birthday

We brought Emily McDonald's for her birthday lunch at school.
Emily showing off her younger siblings to her friends at lunch
 Emily got to open presents before we headed out for fun!
I think she liked them! 
Clue was definitely a big hit! 
 We headed out to ITZ Pizza - it was so packed on this Saturday night!
 Matthew, Emily and Katie bumping around in the bumper cars

 Katie, Emily and Matthew racing on the motorcycles
Bex found her favorite ride! 
Bex helping daddy shoot the teeth out! 
 Emily made it to the top of the rock wall
  Matthew was cruising up too! We had such a good time playing all the games and riding a few rides at ITZ Pizza!
 When we got home, it was time for cake!
 Eleven candles
Blowing the candles out! This is Emily's last year of primary and I cannot believe how much she has grown! Love my Emily to pieces!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Best Park Day Ever!!!

 We made it to Burrough's Park to play this morning. We will definitely come back because this park is huge!

Great hang time!

Of course Bex had to push Jacob on the swing

 Rebecca decided to take off and chase the white ducks out towards the lake!

 My favorite little sidekick!
Sitting on the camel's head - the highest spot to climb!
These kiddos are pure fun to watch! I enjoy all the time we spend together!

Preschool Grad

 Rebecca and Kalea learned so much from Sis. Brown this year! Here they are receiving their awards.
 The Robertson family and ours were able to enjoy some yummy treats!
Bex and Kalea are great friends! 
Pre-K was only twice a week for 2 hours which was perfect for our little kiddos! Bex says, "Kindergarten - here she comes!"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rodeo Pack Meeting

 Bex and Becca want to ride the pretty pink cow
 Matthew and his Bear group did a fun skit!
We had a special speaker that night - the McLane family invited their sister who is a professional calf roper and barrel racer 
 Everyone listened and asked questions while she talked about her experiences with rodeos
 Then she taught the kids how to rope a calf
 Jacob hanging out with cubmaster Daddy
 Katie and the Beehives taught a line dance 
 Heel toe doesy doe!
 Matthew getting the hang of it
 Katie helping Bex dance
 Katie ready to rope a calf!
 Emily getting instructions
 Giving the rope a whirl
 Lookin' good Emily!
And our youngest little cowboy! Everyone had a great time with the scouts that night!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Scripture Power

Matthew fell asleep like this tonight and I thought it was so adorable!!! Love to see him reading his scriptures right after family home evening! There's no better way to fall asleep!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Magnolia Basketball Finals

Matthew played on the Chicago Bulls team this year 
He is getting more aggressive and confident dribbling the ball down the open court after a great steal! 
 Coast to coast baby!
Forcing a turnover right in the key! 
 Heading back for defense! It was a very close game and we only lost by one basket!
 Receiving his bag from president of the basketball league
Here is the Bull's team with their coach! They did a great job and it was fun to watch them improve each game! The 3rd game of the season, I made a bet with Matthew. I told him that if he scored a basket, I would pay him $5 (hopefully to motivate him since he hadn't scored a point yet). Before halftime that game he was fouled on the shot and he was able to shoot a free throw. Matthew totally sank his free throw and immediately looked for me in the crowd to grin and let me know I owed him five bucks! It was hilarious!