Monday, February 16, 2015

Grandma Whimpey

  Grandma came out to visit us in February. She stayed at Brad's house for a few days and visited us everyday since we live so close! We took her out to Saltgrass for yummy dinner, Incredible Pizza for lots of fun, and hung out at the apartment playing games and watching TV. 
Katie measuring up! So close!
 The entrance to Incredible Pizza
 The starting lineup! Matthew, Katie, Emily and Uncle Brad driving Bex
 Emily is trailing the pack!
Katie fighting Matt off to stay in front! 
Katie gets 1st place! 
 Matthew came in 2nd
Emily fought to hold Uncle Brad off! 
 Bex had such a great time riding with Uncle Brad!
The older crew got to do a round of lazer tag 
 While the younger crew played on the kiddie rides
Uncle Brad, Matthew, Katie and Emily on bumper cars 
 So much fun bumping eachother!
 Everyone turns to gang up on Katie!
And of course with all the games are tickets! They love trading in all their tickets for toys! We had such a fun night out with Grandma and Uncle Brad!

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