Saturday, February 28, 2015

Emily's 11th Birthday

We brought Emily McDonald's for her birthday lunch at school.
Emily showing off her younger siblings to her friends at lunch
 Emily got to open presents before we headed out for fun!
I think she liked them! 
Clue was definitely a big hit! 
 We headed out to ITZ Pizza - it was so packed on this Saturday night!
 Matthew, Emily and Katie bumping around in the bumper cars

 Katie, Emily and Matthew racing on the motorcycles
Bex found her favorite ride! 
Bex helping daddy shoot the teeth out! 
 Emily made it to the top of the rock wall
  Matthew was cruising up too! We had such a good time playing all the games and riding a few rides at ITZ Pizza!
 When we got home, it was time for cake!
 Eleven candles
Blowing the candles out! This is Emily's last year of primary and I cannot believe how much she has grown! Love my Emily to pieces!!!

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