Friday, February 20, 2015

Magnolia Basketball Finals

Matthew played on the Chicago Bulls team this year 
He is getting more aggressive and confident dribbling the ball down the open court after a great steal! 
 Coast to coast baby!
Forcing a turnover right in the key! 
 Heading back for defense! It was a very close game and we only lost by one basket!
 Receiving his bag from president of the basketball league
Here is the Bull's team with their coach! They did a great job and it was fun to watch them improve each game! The 3rd game of the season, I made a bet with Matthew. I told him that if he scored a basket, I would pay him $5 (hopefully to motivate him since he hadn't scored a point yet). Before halftime that game he was fouled on the shot and he was able to shoot a free throw. Matthew totally sank his free throw and immediately looked for me in the crowd to grin and let me know I owed him five bucks! It was hilarious!  

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