Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rodeo Pack Meeting

 Bex and Becca want to ride the pretty pink cow
 Matthew and his Bear group did a fun skit!
We had a special speaker that night - the McLane family invited their sister who is a professional calf roper and barrel racer 
 Everyone listened and asked questions while she talked about her experiences with rodeos
 Then she taught the kids how to rope a calf
 Jacob hanging out with cubmaster Daddy
 Katie and the Beehives taught a line dance 
 Heel toe doesy doe!
 Matthew getting the hang of it
 Katie helping Bex dance
 Katie ready to rope a calf!
 Emily getting instructions
 Giving the rope a whirl
 Lookin' good Emily!
And our youngest little cowboy! Everyone had a great time with the scouts that night!

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