Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving with Family

Of course on Thanksgiving Day, we headed to our awesome cousin's house in the Galleria. Jacob discovered this train track in one of the front rooms and was in heaven! These two were so cute to watch!
I loved watching Uncle Brad put the train tracks together for him and help him push the trains along! 
 Getting ready to load our plates! Maren, Alex, Matthew, Jacob, Bex and Aunt Amy
 The adult table: Jake and Daddy, Katie, Alex, Uncle Brad, Brady's mom Sue, Amy and Brady
Brad and I were awesome labeling our drinking cups "M-Dawg and B-Dawg" 
Dessert was super yummy and we were so grateful to be with our family that day! After dinner was over, we all headed across the street to the park for some pickup basketball games and playing on the playground of the elementary school. The kids had fun watching movies in the theater room upstairs and the adults got to play some games. We are so blessed so live so close to family and love spending time with them! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

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