Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My Little Tatoo-ist!

I get finished with my shower this morning and get all dried off and dressed, and while I am blow-drying my hair upside down, my little guy comes in to visit me like he usually does each morning. But there's something different about him...
 Apparently he found a ballpoint pen...
 And not only colored all over his arm, tummy, legs and feet, but he decided to enhance our leather couch with his genuine artistic abilities!
He is quite the artist and was quite proud of his accomplishments that day! Don't get me wrong, I did shout at him and make him help me scrub the couch and the ink off his skin and hopefully got the message across that we don't color on the couch or our bodies, but it was stinkin' hard to be mad at such an adorable face like that! He is a stinker, but I totally love him! Time to hide all the pens again! 

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