Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Young Women in Excellence

The theme was "Pattern for Life" which I absolutely loved! This is a great group of young ladies that have the opportunity to set their pattern together right now that will help them throughout their lifetime!
So here is a little skit that my Katie and Katie Clark did together. It was hilarious! 
My Katie was the "bad" example of not following the pattern and had fun chomping on her gum and acting really messy, not put together at all! She was hilarious trying to sew something without her pattern. Then "perfect" Katie had a much easier time sewing with the pattern and doing everything in order, measuring first, etc. She was so silly and we definitely got the message!
After sloppy Katie did her skit, she did a quick change of clothes and played the piano for her talent to display. She did great and it was a wonderful night!

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