Friday, March 15, 2013

Houston Livestock and Rodeo

On Friday night, we headed into Houston for the Rodeo (which we didn't actually see the rodeo, but rather hit up the petting farm, carnival rides and played a few games).
Here is Rebecca riding a horse!

She had a fun time riding Shadow and did not want the ride to stop!

Next we headed to the petting farm.  Here they are petting the llama.

Feeing the animals

Hugging and kissing the animals
Bex loved when all the animals would crowd around their cup of food!

She had a great time picking and choosing which ones to feed
Just her size!
We can't forget the ducks!
The baby ones were her favorite!
Bex was not crazy about this donkey
More food to feed the goats and deer!
Look at the excitement in her face!
And one last hug before we had to leave!

Riding the carousel with Daddy!
Thinking she is pretty hot stuff!
Bex rode the carousel quite a few times!

Having fun driving her car!
She liked having her own seat on this one!

Sharing was fun too!  She really missed her siblings riding with her!

Her favorite game was the fishing game.

She and dad captured many great fish that night!

And these are the prizes she won!
It was a super late night for us, not getting home until almost midnight, but we had such a fun time entertaining Rebecca!  She loved all the lights and stayed awake the entire time!  We will definitely be back for the rodeo next year!

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