Saturday, March 16, 2013

Waiting for the Kids to Come Home!

 The end of Spring Break, Saturday afternoon, we headed out to the airport to pick up Katie, Emily and Matthew on their return from visiting their father in Canada.
 Their flight was delayed for about 1-1/2 hours, but we were so anxious to see them again, and did not want to sit around the house so we still left early for the airport!  To help pass the time away, we found the spot where airplanes fly right over you!
Rebecca had a great time running through the open field and chasing all the airplanes!  She is an airplane fanatic and this was perfect for her! 
We had to slowly make our way through security at the airport and were able to walk all the way up to the gate to greet the kids off the plane.  I was so anxious and excited!  Emily was the first to greet me with  a huge hug (and a few tears from mom).  Rebecca went running right past us to bear hug Matthew who was next in line!  Then she ran on to Katie before I could get to her!  It was adorable to see this family reunited at the airport!  Sam, Rebecca and I missed them so much all Spring Break long!  It was great to see their faces light up when they saw me and there were warm hugs shared by all!  This was the first time the kids have flown to see their father for an extended period of time and I have to be honest and say that it was torture for me!  I missed all the noise, chaos, love, daily happenings, and being mom.  While Sam went to work, Rebecca and I both moped around the house and you could feel a bit of the gloominess without the whole family being there.  Although I tried to keep Bex entertained, it was not the same without the rest of them!  I am so grateful that they had a safe trip and I love hearing all the fun stories they brought home with them!  They had fun ice skating, swimming, shopping, playing in the snow, watching hockey games and lots of late night movies!  Hopefully this will become a more regular event for them in the future.           

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