Friday, March 29, 2013

Matthew's Birthday Party!

With no school on Friday, we decided to celebrate Matthew's 7th birthday that afternoon!  The boys met at our house and we drove them to Monkey Bizness for some crazy fun!
John, Jalyn, Ethan, Matthew, Elliot, Raphael, and Benjamin
Matthew and Raphael side-by-side down the giant slide
Piled up at the bottom of the slide
 All the boys heading up:  John, Matt, Jalyn, Benjamin, and Raphael
And the race is on!
 The boys loved the obstacle course!
 After going forwards through the obstacle course, they had fun going backwards! 
 Benjamin and Matthew racing!
 Back to the house to open presents - Nice hair bow Jalyn!
 Matthew was so excited to get so many cool gifts!

 His awesome spiky helmet!
 And the big grand finale was...his own big bike!  He has been cruising everyday since!
 Checking out the yummy cake!
 Blowing out the candles!
Happy Birthday Matt-man!  He has sure grown up a ton this year!  He even likes to play with his little sister Rebecca now :)  His teachers at school love and adore Matthew!  I always get awesome reports for his smartness and great behavior!  Keep up the good work buddy!

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