Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July America!

This year we headed out to Tomball for their fireworks show at about 7:00 that night.  People were starting to gather in the Target parking lot and we found the perfect spot!  We brought our cooler filled with our favorite soda and water along with plenty of snacks and our chairs for viewing the show.  Here we are all setup!   
 And the girls caught lounging around
 I just wanted one nice picture of Sam and I - this is what I got.
 And the Vampire comes out in the daylight!  My crazy fun guy!!!
 Emily wanted to pose with me for a tummy picture at 5 months pregnant.  I had my nails done awesome blue for this patriotic occasion!
 While the boys went into Target to buy a few toys, the girls got into the fireworks stash and found the poppers - I happened to be their favorite target to toss them at!
 Here is Bex snapping Katie
 Everyone had fun throwing those little poppers at eachother's feet.
 The boys returned with a hula hoop, bouncy ball and a nerf football
 Bex and Emily playing basketball - slam dunk!
 More basketball fun
Katie and Sam take a minute to relax before joining the football game!  Love watching these two goofballs together! 
We had such a great time in the parking lot before the show!  But once that sun decided to go down, it got dark very quickly!  Let the fireworks begin! 

1 comment:

  1. I love your happy little family! Everyone really does look like they are having a blast. So is baby #5 a boy or girl. I am really glad you got one last baby to enjoy being pregnant-although in TX that has to be HOT! Are you still working?
