Sunday, July 21, 2013

House for Lease

We have had a stressful time finding a home in Magnolia for us to lease and now having the house we live in up for lease.  We have lived in this home for our 2 years in Texas so far and have loved it!  With our lease up at the end of July, we found a beautiful home in Magnolia and are starting to pack for our move at the beginning of August.  Our new house has a much bigger yard and is right around the corner from Sam's job.  Although we will miss Cypress, I believe this new start for our family will be great!  When Sam and I got married last year, he moved into our home and so this will be our first home together.
Now if only we could get this house to lease - I am tired of having to pick up and run out the door at any given time for a showing.  And the job of keeping it clean with 4 kids home all day in the summertime, is a huge task!  The kids have been very helpful in our "cleaning drills" as I like to call it and are getting spoiled with trips to the ice cream shop! 

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