Monday, July 15, 2013

Round #2 for Glasses

At Emily's yearly check-up this year, her pediatrician recommended getting her eyes checked and possible glasses.  After doing this with Katie last year, it was no surprise when we discovered that Emily needed glasses too.  She had to do that fun test where they put eyedrops in and her pupils were super dilated for 24 hours.  She looked like those crazy dog/cat cards with the huge goggle eyes.  It was so fun to tease her for a bit!  She did steal my sunglasses to wear wherever we went that day.  While choosing the perfect pair of frames for her, I had fun watching her try on the brightest colors possible - there is nothing quiet about this girl!  She settled on a bright pink pair and we instantly fell in love with them!  She does have a different look to her now and it will take a little while to get used to, but I think she looks fabulous!


  1. They make her even more beautiful. Love the color

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