Thursday, July 25, 2013

Our Little Princess Turns 3!

We celebrated Bex's birthday right in the middle of our packing to move the following weekend out to Magnolia.  So it was pretty quick and simple.  She is all about princesses and dolls and outdoor fun.  I can't believe my baby is 3 years old already!  What a great life we have shared together!
 Baby Bex was so excited to see her big presents all lined up!
 Princess Sophia is one of her favorite TV shows to watch and this doll was a big hit!
 Next she opened a scooter
 Here she is ringing her bell on her new princess bike
Of course she had to try out her bike in the house first!   
 Pedaling is harder than it looks!  Had to recruit daddy for more help!
 She's slowly getting the hang of it!
 Scooter time!
 Safe with extra help
 I think I'll take this ride around the block now
 After a super yummy salmon dinner at our cousin's house, it was time to break out the cake!
 Blowing out the candles
Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!
I cannot believe how grown-up you have become and so independent!  Rebecca is quite the singer in our house these days and loves to put on a show in front of the bathroom mirror each morning.  Her laughter is contagious and I cannot imagine our family without Bex!
I love you so much baby girl!!!
Happy 3rd Birthday!

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