Thursday, July 4, 2013

Light 'Em Up!

 As soon as the fireworks started up, all the booms and bangs made one little girl get a bit nervous!
 She was adorable cuddling up with daddy
 The show went on for a whole hour!  I thought they would never end!
 They were so beautiful!  We loved them all!!!
 All the kids from the vehicles around us came to join our group throughout the night which made it very entertaining watching them play keep away with the football, basketball with the big ball and hula hoop, tag, and eating/drinking from the cooler we brought.   I think the cheese balls were a big hit!  It was fun to share and hear all the laughter as the kids played on!  We met some very nice people that night!   
 Bex did eventually warm up to the fireworks
 She even enjoyed watching them by the end.  Love the fireworks in the background!
 My little hula hoop girl!
 After the show ended, we packed everything up in the van, said good-bye to all our new friends and headed home for our own sparklers in the driveway.
 Sparklers are always such a big hit! 
We had a great fourth of July celebration this year and proudly wore our red, white and blue!  It was nice to spend the day reflecting on this great country and all the liberties we are able to enjoy in our lives!  Just wanted to say a special thank you to all the men and women who serve our country, making it possible for us to live in the land of the free!

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