Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Activity Days Celebration

 Emily is going to be in YW before we know it! She has enjoyed participating in Activity Days for the past 3-1/2 years now and will miss her teachers next year! Here she is sharing an article of faith from memory!
Sitting with her peeps! 
 Emily is on the far right conducting their musical number - Gethsemane - which is the most beautiful song ever! She is amazing!
 Emily receiving her sash from Sis. Zamora
All of the girls had a display along the wall for everyone to look at and learn more about each one! Emily shared what she had learned from her Faith in God book which included talents - artwork, sheet music; and a picture representing her testimony of Joseph Smith and the scriptures.  
The girls and their families brought treats to share and of course it was all so yummy! The theme for tonight was: I know my Savior Lives.
Had to sneak a picture with our fave! Kristen Zamora is such a fun, lovable, knowledgeable woman of faith that Emily really looks up to! We love her to pieces and Emily has been blessed to have her as a primary teacher and Activity Days teacher every other Tuesday night this year! Her love for the gospel has definitely rubbed off on my Emily and I love watching her testimony grow and grow! What a beautiful celebration our whole family was able to enjoy!

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