Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cub Scout Carnival

For our pack meeting this month, each of the scout groups were in charge of 1-2 games for the carnival. Sam is the Cub Master and did a great job being in charge!
 Matthew throwing a ball to knock down the stacked cups
 The boys are fishing
 Ice bucket challenge where everyone had to take off their shoes and socks and put their feet in the ice cold water and see who could keep their feet in the longest! Brrrrrrrr!!! 
 Pumpkin bowling. Go Bex!
 I think all the kids had a great time! And Jacob was a big helper for Sam!
 With Grandma in town, she got to help Rebecca with a few games like this Fear Factor - put your hand in the box and feel what's inside and give a guess as to what it could be.
 Uncle Brad playing Pin the nose on the Clown - this is the game Matthew was in charge of.
 Bex does not look too sure about sticking her hand in that thing! Grandma did good helping her out! What a fun night to spend at the church and with Grandma and Uncle Brad!

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