Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Night Lights

Daddy and Bex loved watching the football game on Friday night!
Katie with her 7th grade choir from BBJH got to sing the National Anthem at the Magnolia Bulldogs vs. Brenham football game on Friday night! Katie is standing on the far left side of the group.
They sounded great singing the National Anthem and were very professional! This was our first high school football game that we attended as a family! Magnolia won of course and we were thrilled!
The boys enjoying some popcorn together
 Our crew before the game started waiting for Katie's choir to sing! We took up a good section of bench around the 30 yard line. Go Bulldogs! 
Katie hanging with her #1 fan! We were so proud of Katie singing and loved having her join us to watch the game!

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