Friday, March 25, 2016

Easter Egg Hunt

With no school on Friday, we had a blast at the Filetti's house for our annual Easter Egg Hunt!
The kids started in the backyard - Matthew and Jacob are on the trampoline 
Of course Emily and Bex are petting their pony 
  Jacob with Emily and Savannah
While the kids played in the backyard for awhile, the teenagers and a few parents hid the candy filled eggs all throughout the front yard. Let the Easter egg hunt begin!
The youngest primary children were able to hunt their eggs first. Everyone brought a dozen eggs per child, so they were able to find 12 eggs total.
Jacob caught on really fast - especially once he discovered there is candy inside the egg!
I love how at the end all the youngest kiddos gathered in a group to inspect their eggs 
  Jacob shook it, then popped it open, chowed down and then shook the next one!
 The kids had such a great time and the adults were able to enjoy good conversation together!
I think this is the only picture I got with Katie in it! She helped hide the eggs and then as one of the oldest teenagers there, she hid in the background until the end where even she was able to snatch a few eggs to chomp into! 
Loved watching Emily and then Matthew take turns helping Jacob along! 
 What a good big brother! 
  These boys scored on their candy!
This full basket and smiling face says it all! 
Happy Easter Egg Hunting y'all!!! 

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