Friday, March 18, 2016

Spring Break Day 5

Houston Zoo
It was actually a pretty chilly day to be out. Everyone wore long pants and light jackets. But by the end of the day, we were warm with no jackets on! Our first stop was the giraffes!
 Cute pose!
 Gorillas and chimps
We got up close and personal with this chimp! He hung out right at the glass and made faces at everyone! 
 Of course Matt is picking this gorilla's nose
 In the African area seeing their possible homes and instruments
 Can you tell which is Matthew, Katie or Emily?

Bex loved these huge horned giant cows! 
 The elephants of course!

I think the kids just love climbing on every statue they can find! They sure do make great photo ops! 
 Katie found a friend! Yikes!!!
Jacob did a quick walkthrough the reptile house and we sat outside while the others took their time checking everything out! 

 We found the aquarium!
The piranha tunnel!  
 The kids loved crawling through the center of the piranha tank! Always a favorite spot!
Bex is mad that she did not get the top spot, but everyone had fun climbing on this rhino! 
 Bex loved the pink flamingos!
This little guy finally fell asleep 
 This is as close as mom would get to the creepy critter house! The kids just laugh at me! Such a chicken!
 Made it to the kiddie area with the petting zoo and playgrounds
 Instant friends!

Prairie dog tunnels! Bex and Matthew are in the left tube! 
Another stop for a great picture with Bex up top! She is very happy! 
 Had to end our visit with the carousel ride!
 It was pretty slow, but still fun to ride
 This was such a great day at the zoo! Each of the kids were able to buy a bracelet at the exit that showed their favorite animal to see at the zoo and awesome colors! Bex got the pink flamingo, Matt got black tarantula, Emily got the purple giraffe, and Katie got the navy blue owl bracelet. Jacob was asleep for this decision process so he did not come home with a bracelet. It was such a wonderful week off from school and schedules! Seeing Zootopia and then going to the zoo was a big hit for the kids!

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