Thursday, March 24, 2016

Emily's First Youth Temple Trip

Our youth are awesome! Here's everyone before going into the temple to do Baptisms for the Dead. Cannot imagine a better place to be than the Houston Temple on a Thursday night!
 2 years ago when Katie had her first experience do baptisms, I was not able to go with her because Jacob was only 3 months old and I could not leave him for long periods of time yet. So I missed her first experience in the temple and was very sad of it. 
So when I found out that they were having a temple trip so close after Emily's birthday, I jumped at the opportunity to take my girls there together! 
What an amazing experience! You could feel the spirit so strongly as these girls were doing their temple work! I am so proud of each and feel so lucky to get to be here with them and to watch their testimonies grow! Emily expressed to me right as we were leaving the temple doors, "I could never have imagined how powerful the spirit hits you when you walk through these doors! It felt like I was smacked in the face with a ton of bricks, but in such a good way!"
We ended our night on a spiritual high at Panera Bread. Yum! I love my girls so much and especially love seeing them in the Young Women program together! This seems to be the magical age where they are starting to get along more with way less arguing or fighting with each other! Keeping my fingers crossed that this new phase in life will last!
(Nice pose with a mouthful Emily!) 

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