Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Happy 14th Birthday Katie!

Katie's big surprise!
Sam and I had to keep this secret (along with the Hiltscher's - Katie's roommate) for a month before her birthday! We really wanted to surprise her and she was thrilled! Her first year of EFY!
 The YW decorated outside
Katie is now a Mia Maid! 
 Had to take her out for a special breakfast with mom and dad - she of course ordered a Bull's-eye and chocolate glazed donuts at Shipley's!
I cannot believe how grown up this girl is getting! And quite beautiful too! She has recently discovered the art of stealing Sam's hat to wear (I mean borrowing, but I don't think he plans to see it in his closet again :)
Here she is concentrating on her wish - boy do I wish I could know what is going through her mind at this exact moment! 
The trick candles made it pretty tricky to blow them all out first try! 
 Happy birthday my sweet Katie Bug!!! We love you so much and cannot wait for this summer when you get to experience EFY in San Antonio!

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