Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ellisor Hoedown 2016

We had to be to school bright and early to catch Matthew in action at his grade level hoedown!
Jacob loved sitting beside his big brother and watching him dance!  
Not enough girls of course, so Matthew and his goofy friend Derek were partners on this promenade
So much fun watching everyone laughing and having a great time at the hoedown!
All join hands and circle the ring! Matthew definitely has all the dance moves memorized! 
 Later that morning, we got to see Rebecca dance with all the other kindergarteners!
Here she is with her good friend Ava 
 Watching the young ones dance was such a hoot! No square dancing here, just single file with no partners. It will be fun to watch her progress from year to year!
  Bex's first hoedown with many more to come throughout her elementary school career! She did great!
And we had to pose for our famous hoedown picture with the covered wagon behind us! As much as the boys may grumble about doing this square dancing stuff, I know they do really enjoy it!!! They are sure fun to watch!

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