Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter!
With church starting at 9:00am and the choir needing to be there at 8:15am to practice, we were not able to celebrate Easter until noon. We got home from church and raced into our play clothes and then everyone was able to enjoy their Easter baskets followed with the Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard! 
We started egg hunting with Bex and Jacob only 
Jacob had fun searching down low!     
Bex wanted to climb and reach high this year!
As soon as he could, Jacob was opening his eggs and dumping out his candy!
After Bex and Jacob had fun finding their dozen eggs, it was time to let the big kids out to search! 
Matthew searched all over the little house! 
We even caught Katie climbing! 
Crazy climbing boy! 
Emily found the highest egg!
 It was a group effort to find the very last egg!
 Even Lucky, the puppy dog we were babysitting this weekend, had to help!
Look at those happy faces! Easter was a great success this year! I loved celebrating in the correct order with church first, then the Easter bunny afterwards! We are so grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the powerful influence that knowledge has in each of our lives! Happy Easter!!! 

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